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A Happy New Year! Year 2020 was not a good year for everyone in the world. This difficulty will continue till COVID-19 gets somewhat controlled with individual efforts of wearing mask, keeping social distance, wash hands frequently and so on. Vaccine inoculation has started though slower than we are hoping. If the inoculation is accomplished among about 80 per cent of us, things should get better. Unless this pandemic is controlled, economy and education would not come back to pre-pandemic time. The new administration declared combating with those tasks following scientists and medical experts’ advices. So, let us hope that happens.


One of yearly visitors, Emoto Tadashi Sensei of Kanagawa Kendo Federation, has advised me that he will not be coming this year. He normally stay in Hawaii one month to do kendo daily. Ray Murao Sensei of Steveston Kendo Club in Richmond, B.C., Canada informed me that this years tournament has been canceled. Save money and vacation time for the next year tournament as well as keeping individual physical training to maintain your ability.


18th World Kendo Championships was scheduled from May 27th through 30th in Paris. That has been postponed indefinitely.


Our yearly fund raiser of Zippy’s ticket sale is in final stage. Tickets are good till January 10th with 5 days grace period. Advise persons you sold tickets to make sure redeem them in time. If you still have unsold tickets, send tickets back to me as soon as possible. Zippy’s will charge for unreturned tickets. We are very thankful for your support in this difficult time to sell and buy tickets for our club. This raised fund not only cover our club expenses but also we use them to promote kendo in Hawaii such as hosting Children’s tournament, Seminars and subsidizing out of town tournament participants and so forth.


Kimura Atsuko Sensei of Hokkaido wrote me her recent feelings. “I think that Pandemic made us pose and reflect ourselves during this fast moving world. I feel this occasion is to give each of us a chance to think our directions had been correct ones or not, then adjust it toward right way.”


Though it is hard to stay home with less physical activities, it gives you a good opportunity to examine things over. I am glad to have friends support each other. I am happy to realize that my family members love me and concern about my well being. My appreciation goes on more.


Though we cannot resume practice yet, let us prepare for a good year.




Iwao Sato, Chief Instructor

Wahiawa Kendo Club


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