Thanks to Miyagawa Hidetoshi Sensei’s month long seminar with encouragement and
assistance from Hawaii Kendo Federation, the following kenshis have passed Renshi-Go
Title examination, Andy Fujimoto, Mark Miyamoto, Tusha Buntin, Mikio Koga,
Yukimasa Furutani and Bruce Ushijima along with Kyoshi-Go Title for Kunio Maeda
and myself. Congratulations to all.
We were fortunate to have Inoue Kazuyoshi Sensei from Fukuoka, Kaida Akira Sensei
from Kagoshima and Yamamoto Masahiko Sensei and his daughter Mariko, 2 times
Japan Women Champion from Osaka during November. They were awesome. We did
our best to accommodate and extend hospitality so that they can repeat their Hawaii visit.
Our club has yearend party on Wednesday, Dec. 2nd. We will start our practice earlier at
6:30PM and end by 7:30PM and have potluck party. Bring your family and friends.
Hawaii Kendo Federation 1 Kyu and Dan examination will be on Sunday, January 10
that Kaimuki Gym. Those of you who are taking examination may come earlier and practice Kata at our dojo and Kaneohe Branch dojo.
American Zone Referee Seminar will be held in Toronto on Jan. 30th and 31st. Takahashi
Yoshiro Sensei will be representing Hawaii there. Hope more kenshis can go in future.
Steveston Kendo Club sponsored tournament will be on Saturday, February 20th. Some
people decided to go and many are strongly thinking about going. We are hoping that
we have enough kenshis to form Hawaii Team. Let me know if you are participating.
Christmas is coming. It may be a good idea to give Wahiawa Kendo Club T-shirt which
back says “Kendo will make it better” as a present to kenshis. Sizes S, M, L, XL costs
$15 and XXL costs $17. This is our ongoing club fund raiser.
Starting in January, I will be collecting Club and Federation dues. As every year I say,
paying dues and participating in club activities are best support you can give for the club.
In my August 2014 Club Bulletin, from Kensoh August 2014 edition, I mentioned that
British Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Tim Hitchens started kendo at the age of 50. Same
Kensoh November edition, had Valor Holdings Co., LTD., Chairman and President Mr.
Masami Tashiro’s article. Mr. Tashiro read the article of 80 years old lady achieved 1
Dan and decided to look into kendo. While same as Ambassador Hichens being
extremely busy, he created kendo practice time two nights a week. Since then, he realized that kendo and work had things common, the meaning of bowing (rei), keiko (practice) literally means thinking of the past, difference between kendo and sports and keeping usual mental state (heijo shin.) He wants to maintain self-discipline to achieve 4 Dan by 80 years old. I am glad that we have kenshi like him to lead us toward right direction.
Iwao Sato, Chief Instructor
Wahiawa Kendo Club