Yamada Masayuki Sensei, Kyoshi 7 Dan, from Iwate will be the 1st sensei to visit Hawaii
this year. He will arrive on Friday, January 8th and goes to Hawaii Daijingu Kendo Club
practice that night. He will visit Kaimuki Honbu Dojo on Sunday, January 10th and
plans to visit our club on Wednesday, January 13th before going back on January 15th.
Hawaii Kendo Federation 1 Kyu and Dan examination is on Sunday, January 10th at
Kaimuki Honbu Dojo. Our club has 5 applicants. Good luck to them.
John Hancock Sensei of Obukan Dojo in Portland, Oregon will bring about 4 kenshis to
practice with us in Hawaii from January 19th till 26th. We are excited to have Hancock
Sensei, a former Hawaii resident, visit and practice with us.
Rev. Hashimoto Yoshito Sensei, Kyoshi 7 Dan, from Shiga will arrive on January 22nd
and stay till January 28th. He will be at our dojo on Wednesday, January 27th. Be there.
American Zone Shinpan Seminar will be in Toronto. Canada on January 30th and 31st.
Takahashi Yoshiro Sensei is the only one who represents Hawaii this time. Hope more
people from Hawaii can attend the seminar in future occasions.
54th Steveston Kendo Club sponsored tournament will be held in Richmond, B.C.,
Canada on Saturday, February 20th. Around 15 people decided to go or express interest
in going and/or participating in the tournament. The entry dead line is January 24th.
Give me your definite answer by January 20th so I can send our entry in time.
I will be collecting Year 2016 Club and Hawaii Kendo Federation dues in January and
February. As I say every year that paying dues and participating in activities of
organizations you belong to is the best support you can give.
Dr. Norio Yoshimura who specializes in transplants of organs, mainly kidneys, livers and
pancreas submitted a very inspiring article in Kensoh December edition. He practiced
kendo 10 times a week during one year when he was the captain of kendo club in a
medical school. After graduation, he could not practice kendo much. But 8 years ago
he resumed practice one or two times a week. Shodachi Ippon, “first strike,” relates his
transplant work. Mistakes are not allowed with these time sensitive, delicate procedures.
“Utte Katsu no dewa naku, Katte utsu,” not winning after striking but winning then strike
opponents goes with his thorough preparation procedures before going ahead of
transplant operations. It is life and death situation just like real sword bout. It requires
“one swing and finish” procedure because there is no doing over again in these
operations. Constant simulations and practices are required. That will give you fudoshin,
“immovable confidence.” Dr. Yoshimura wants to be a better person through
kendo and hopes to practice kendo through out his life span.
Iwao Sato, Chief Instructor
Wahiawa Kendo Club