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All 5 of our club members had passed the examination held on January 10th. They were

Evan Henderson - 1 Kyu, Shoshi and Kano Hashimoto - 1 Dan, Yosinori Imagawa - 2

Dan and Jessica Sneed - 3 Dan. Congratulations to them. I want them to continue to

practice and take next level when they become eligible.


Mark Kerstein Sensei, President of Southern US Kendo and Iaido Federation visited

Hawaii with his wife. They practiced at Hawaii Daijingu Dojo, Kenshikan Dojo and

plan to visit Honbu Dojo on Sunday, January 31st.


Steveston Kendo Tournament in Richmond, B. C., Canada will be on Saturday, February

20th. We have 14 people from Hawaii going there. This time we have enough children

to form a junior team for a change. Be safe. Enjoy the trip and make friends there.

Sasaki Hiroshi Sensei and his lovely wife Keiko Sensei will be with us again from March

11th till 19th. Sasaki Sensei had passed 1st stage of 8 Dan examinations in November in

Tokyo. He is so close to be 8 Dan. Come to his classes while he is in town. He is a

super good teacher.


A group of people from San Francisco headed by Rev. Rodney Yano is planning to visit

Hawaii from March 28th till April 4th. Their plan includes a visit to our club on

Wednesday, March 30th.


Our club is sponsoring Children’s Tournament with Shinpan Seminar again on Saturday,

April 9th. All children even not advanced enough to put kendogu on are invited to enjoy

the function. We provide pizza for lunch. Kids can play and make friends there.

Mr. Kevin Kamita of Kenshikan Dojo along with myself is planning to take some

children to Japan for kendo excursion. The plan is not firm yet but will be around June

22 through to that weekend.


Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation’s Women’s Only Tournament will be on Saturday,

July 16th in Renton, Washington. We are hoping that we have enough ladies available to

form a team to participate in it.


We are collecting Club and Hawaii Kendo Federation dues for year 2016. I want to

finish collection by the end of this month. Submit dues soon if you have not done so.


Robert Stroud Sensei of Idaho posted in Facebook that he had received Masters Degree in

Material Science on December 19th from Boise State University. Congratulations to him.

I give credits to those who continue to study in older age while working to make a living

and taking care of the family. “Keep on learning” and “Keep on improving yourself” are

life long endeavor in kendo. Stroud Sensei is a great example for us to follow.




Iwao Sato, Chief Instructor

Wahiawa Kendo Club


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