It made me very sad to be informed that Kaida Akira Sensei, Hanshi 8 Dan, of Kagoshima passed away on April 16th. He and Mrs. Kaida were yearly visitors in Hawaii and teaching us in every possible occasions for recent years. Kaida Sensei’s entire life was devoted in teaching as a high school teacher and later a principal while raising followers’ kendo levels. He had published many inspiring kendo books. Rest in peace, Kaida Sensei.
Hawaii Kendo Federation 1 Kyu and Dan examination planned on Sunday, May 17th has been postponed till later date.
Leeward Oahu Kendo Tournament scheduled on Sunday, June 28th, is also postponed till further notice. Sasaki Hiroshi Sensei and his wife, Keiko Sensei, of Akita Prefecture were coming to coincide with the tournament but they had to cancel their trip.
Foreign Kendo Leaders’ Seminar in Kitamoto, Saitama from August 14th till 21st was cancelled as well as many kendo events in Japan such as 6-8 Dan examinations and Enbu-taikai in Kyoto.
All Dojos in Hawaii ceased practicing after Governor’s “Stay Home” order was imposed on us. I do not expect that we can resume our practices till Governor lifts that order. Stay tuned till each dojo announces their resumption plans.
Blood Bank of Hawaii is in dire need of blood donations. Because of the current situation, the number of donors was greatly reduced while the number of blood recipients stayed same or increased. I had donated more than 100 times in the past. But I was told that I could no longer donate because my blood test came as “false-positive” for Hepatitis C. I said, “It is false-positive. Can I still donate?” The answer was “No.” If you meet a donor criteria, please donate your blood to help those who need. The need of blood does not have weekend, holidays and vacations.
In this current Corona Virus Pandemic, some kendo friends contacted me to tell that they did not realize how important and enjoyable our kendo practices and interaction with friends had been. After being denied or unable, they understood our precious kendo friendships. Others and I do many suburi everyday to supplement usual exercise for our bodies. But nothing can replace our friendship for our spirit without being together. Let us keep on practicing as soon as this ban is lifted.
Iwao Sato, Chief Instructor
Wahiawa Kendo Club