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Katsumi Yamada Sensei announced that Garrett Matsumoto Sensei became Kenshikan Dojo Chief Instructor as of February 25th. Please give him your support to make his job easier.


When Mr. and Mrs. Hiroshi Sasaki visited Mayors Office on March 16th, Mr. Edwin Hawkins, Executive Director, City and County Honolulu Office of Economic Development invited them to next year’s 150 year Japanese Immigration Anniversary Celebration by participating in activities. Hope they can come and visit us again despite a difficulty they encountered.


Among visiting members of Koh-Shei Rodoh-Sho Kendo Club Group, I found my old kendo friends, Tamura Toru Sensei and Sugita Meiketsu Sensei. It was so nice to renew friendships.


We will resume Kaneohe Heeia Dojo, our branch dojo, practice on Monday, April 24th if the place is available for us again. Those who want to practice Kata and Bokuto Ni Yoru Kendo Kihon Waza Keiko Ho are encouraged to join us there.


Midyear Party of our club will be on Wednesday, May 17th. We will start 30 minutes early at 6:30PM and end practice at 7:30PM, then have a party. Bring your family and friends. Even you are late, show up for the party. If you have to leave early, enjoy yourself for short time.


Our dojo is hosting Children’s Tournament and Shinpan Practice on Saturday, May 20th. Show up even if you are not actually participating. If time allows us, we will have a short keiko at the end before Pizza Party. Come and make friends and have a fun.


Leeward Oahu Kendo Tournament will be on Sunday, June 25th at Mililani District Park Gym. Mark your calendar and tell your dojo senseis if you want to participate.


Seth Harris Sensei is planning to organize Tour for 17th World Kendo Championships in Incheon, South Korea which will be held September 14th through 16th, 2018. You may not be sure but if you have an intention to join, at least let Harris Sensei know now.


At my last doctor’s regular visit, I was given a questionnaire about recent mental status. 4 questions were, “Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following: 1. Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge. 2. Not being able to stop or control worrying. 3. Little interest or pleasure in doing things. 4. Feeling down, depressed or hopeless.” Answers in 4 categories: 1. Not at all, 2. Several days, 3. More than half the day, 4. Nearly every day. My answers were all, “1. Not at all.” I think that this owes to my kendo practices and friends besides my supportive and loving family. Keep practicing kendo and being with friends.




Iwao Sato, Chief Instructor

Wahiawa Kendo Club

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