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Nemoto Tadashi Sensei of Tokyo has been diligently coming to Kenshikan Kendo Club and Kaimuki Honbu Dojo practices after arriving on January 1st. He will go back to Japan on February 3rd. We are very fortunate to have a sensei like him who comes regularly in annual basis. We should welcome visitors so that they can repeat their visits many times.


Nihon Sports Science University (Nittai Dai) delegation which includes Kendo, Judo, Aikido, Naginata, Karate, Sumo, Shorinji Kenpo, Japanese Dancing and Taiko, will visit Hawaii to have a demonstration on Sunday, February 9th, at Waipahu High School from 1PM to 3PM. The allocated time of Kendo performance is small, but please go and watch. Some kenshis from Hawaii Kendo Federation will join in their demonstration. Nittai Dai kendo students also visit Kenshikan Kendo Club the day before this event, Saturday, February 8th.


Ohtsuka Mayumi Sensei and Amano Satoshi Sensei will bring some students from Tokai University from Thursday, February 13th till Wednesday, February 19th as their Kendo Camp. They will visit Hawaii Daijingu Kendo Club on Friday, February 14th and Kaimuki Honbu Dojo on Sunday, February 16th. Be there to practice with them.


Steveston Kendo Tournament in Richmond, B.C., Canada is on Saturday, February 8th. We have 12 participants and 9 chaperons, one of the largest in recent years. I was very happy that Team Hawaii captured Championship in Senior Team Division last year. Younger instructors told me that this year we would give younger kenshis chances so that they can receive important experiences. Be safe. Make friends. Renew friendships. Keep yourselves warm because we are not used to cold weather.


Yamada Masayuki Sensei of Iwate Prefecture normally visits Hawaii in January. This year I was told that he would visit us in March. His schedule has not been disclosed yet.


Kamiya Akihiro Sensei of Tokyo will stay in Hawaii from February 27th till March 10th coinciding with Kenshikan Dojo Tournament. Go to dojos where he visits and practice with him.


Kenshikan Kendo Club is sponsoring their tournament on Sunday, March 8th at Manoa Valley District Park Gym from 8:30AM. They have a novice division in which kenshis with no kendogu compete for basic performances such as footwork, ki-ai, suburbi and rei-hou and so forth. Entry dead line is nearing. So far, about 7 kenshis from our dojo expressed interests to join. Let me know soon if you are participating or not with the entry fees.


When I was sweeping our dojo floor, someone came in and said, “That’s not Sensei’s job. Students are supposed to do that.” Yes, it is a student job. I am doing it for my warm up and strengthen my legs by going back and forth the floor. If I think that way rather than thinking, “Why me, when students are supposed to be doing this?,” I can have much positive feeling by doing it. When I was a small boy, my hard working step-grandmother told me, “Hataraku koto wa hata ga raku suru kotoda yo.” Hata = others and Raku = eased from burdens. “If you work, others get relief.” It is important to learn to serve and help others through kendo training.




Iwao Sato, Chief Instructor

Wahiawa Kendo Club


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