Steveston Kendo Tournament, British Columbia Canada, was held on Saturday, February 8th with the record 330 participants. Team Hawaii came in 2nd out of 29 team entries. Young instructors entered more junior Hawaii kenshis practicing for World Kendo Championship rather than themselves as Team members. So, it was outstanding for Hawaii to capture 2nd place. Megumi Matsuno came in 3rd in her division, Ladies 1 Dan and Under. Neil Shimabukuro was 3rd in Adults 1 - 3 Kyu Division. Congratulations for all 13 Team Hawaii members.
Yamada Masayuki Sensei, Kyoshi 7 Dan, from Iwate visited Hawaii from February 17th through 25th. His visit was good, happened to coincide with our Shinpan seminar held at Kaimuki Honbu Dojo on Sunday, February 23rd. This seminar was conducted by Tusha Buntin Sensei, Andy Fujimoto Sensei and President Furutani. All 3 attended American Zone Shinpan Seminar in Vancouver, January 25th - 26th and shared their learnings and experiences. Yamada Sensei’s timely advices in addition were very good.
Kamiya Akihiro Sensei, Kyoshi 7 Dan, of Tokyo arrived on February 27th and staying till March 10th. He is already visiting Hawaii dojos to teach us. His yearly visit to assist Kenshikan Tournament is much appreciated. Be with him and learn from him.
Watanabe Masayuki Sensei of Tokyo will visit Kaimuki Honbu Dojo on Sunday, March 1st and Kenshikan Dojo on Tuesday, March 3rd.
Imazu Hisao Sensei, Kyoshi 7 Dan, from Tokyo will visit Kenshikan on Wednesday, March 4th. He will be joined by Kuwahara Chikako Sensei, Renshi 6 Dan, and Cho Sangdeok Sensei on Saturday, March 7th at Kenshikan and all of them help us out at the Kenshikan Tournament on Sunday, March 8th. Thank you for coming to be with us regularly.
The record 10 our club members participate in Kenshikan Tournament on Sunday, March 8th at Manoa Valley District Park Gym starting 830AM. We can even make our own Team to enter in Team Matches. Enjoy the tournament. Make friends and renew friendships.
Foreign Kendo Leaders’ Summer Seminar will be held from August 14th through 21st in Kitamoto, Saitama, Japan. I am positive that this Seminar has been contributing improvements in Kendo World wide. It is a very good seminar conducted by Japan’s 1st class senseis. On the last day, August 21st, they have Dan promotion examination up to 6 Dan. Let Wesley Fujimoto Sensei know if you want to be there. Hawaii deadline is March 11th.
Coronavirus infections in China are rapidly spreading, even to other countries. The bad thing is that there is no effective medication developed to fight this virus yet. And there is no vaccine created so far to develop our own immune systems. Authorities suggested us to wear masks, wash hands often to avoid contracting this virus. Young, old and people with chronic diseases are feared to have grave consequences including death when contracted. Many in good health can fight off this virus with their own immune systems. Keep healthy life styles. Quit tobacco products. Avoid excessive alcohol intake. Maintain good weight level. Address your health issues quickly with your doctors. Kendo is a good tool to have adequate and required exercises for your health.
Iwao Sato, Chief Instructor
Wahiawa Kendo Club