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On Saturday, Aug. 12th, we had 3 kenshis from Melbourne Kenshikan Dojo visiting their

sister dojo Kenshikan Hawaii. They were Mr. Adam Martin, Mr. Paul Bserani and Mr.

Peter Swarcbord. It is very nice to develop good friendship between sister dojos.


We will have Mr. Jayson Chaplin, a former Australian kendo champion, and his sensei,

Mr. Mitsugu Fukuda, Kyoshi 7 Dan at Kaimuki Honbu Dojo on Sunday, September 10th.

Be there and practice with them.


Mr. Mark Kerstein and his lovely wife, Shamina, will be in town working hard from

September 17th through 24th after surviving Hurricane Harvey in Houston. Luckily, he

said, they did not have a significant damage with their property. As diehard kendoists,

they will come to Kaimuki Honbu Dojo practice on Sunday, September 17th, then visit

dojos as their work permits. Please welcome them if they visit your club.


Sasaki Hiroshi Sensei and his sweet wife, Keiko Sensei will visit Hawaii from September

22nd to 28th. They will visit our dojo on Wednesday, September 27th. Everyone is

invited to join us that day. We are very fortunate to have them come repeatedly for

over 25 years to be with us. Please extend our warm Aloha hospitality to them.


Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation sponsored Tournament is on Saturday, November

4th in Kent, Washington. Only a few people committed to go and participate so far.

Check with Seth Harris Sensei if you want to be in Team Hawaii there.


We are so happy to know that Aiea Taiheiji Kendo Club resumes the tournament

sponsoring. The tournament date is Sunday, November 19th. Mark your calendar and

participate in the tournament.


Hawaii Kendo Federation normally have 1 Kyu and Dan Examination during November.

If you are planning to take the promotion examination, inform your dojo senseis and

prepare for the examination.


We are in the middle of our fund raise of Zippy’s ticket sale. Thank you for your help

selling/buying tickets. For those who got tickets, return money and unsold tickets

during 1st week of October as tickets are good till October 8th.


I was wondering why Hawaii Dojos do one extra suburi when they say do 20 suburis

and end up with 21 suburis. Lawrence Chun Sensei finally cleared up the mystery for

me. In old days Hawaii senseis let students do extra because doing same number of

practices would not advance their students ahead of other dojo’s ones. It is a good

reminder for a slow learner or achiever like me to realize practice more than others to

get better. Your efforts will certainly pay, though it may come slow. So, it is very

important to register your mind to do routinely extra amount of practices




Iwao Sato, Chief Instructor

Wahiawa Kendo Club


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