In Hawaii, COVID-19 vaccine inoculation is over 50 per cent achieved and infection rate has been gradually decreasing as a result. Though Hawaii State regulation is stricter, CDC declared that people could go outside without masks if they are fully vaccinated.
Kenshikan Kendo Club is starting their in-person practices on Tuesday, June 1 with necessary protocols and with having kenshis make reservations for the limited numbers.
Meikyokan is starting on Tuesday, June 1 calling it “evaluation day” to check persons’ physical abilities if they can gradually increase their practice amount.
Aiea Taiheiji Kendo Club is starting on Saturday, June 12. They start with basics and exercises.
Taro Ariga Sensei in California posted in Facebook on May 24 that he organized a special practice session with only those who were fully vaccinated. The picture included 12 people including Ariga Sensei. This may be one idea to start in-person practice if facility is available.
Kokugakuin University Professor Uehara Kichio Sensei posted in Facebook on May 24, that he was selected through 2nd and final selection tournament to represent Tokyo as Captain’s position in Tokyo Team in Mie Prefecture National Athletic Tournaments Kendo Division. He mentioned that his sole practice during lock down period was not wasted. Through this accomplishment, he wanted his university students to believe in themselves and keep on trying their endeavor.
In TV program I was watching, a Japanese Samurai Sword smith said that there is no person born with talents. Talents are created by those who can continue efforts and persevere for long time for their goals. Hardship created by this COVID-19 is not just for you, but also for everyone. The way you go through with this pandemic may give you blossoms afterwords.
Iwao Sato, Chief Instructor
Wahiawa Kendo Club